Wandjina: Sky Gods from the Dreaming

In the dreamtime stories of the Aboriginal Australians from the Kimberley region, the Wandjina were sky gods who came down from the Milky Way to help and teach mankind. They were depicted as having large heads, large black eyes and no mouth, so resembled the Greys, but were considered completely benevolent. In some stories they traveled in spacecraft, some were large metallic boomerangs and it is thought that the original boomerang design was inspired by these craft. Generations of Aboriginals have kept knowledge of the Wandjina alive by creating cave paintings.

The site Godchecker has this description of the Wandjina:

WANDJINA: A set of all-powerful and very intriguing Creation Gods.

WALLUNGUNDER, the big boss WANDJINA, came down from the Milky Way during DREAMTIME and created the earth and all its inhabitants. Then he took one look at those inhabitants and headed back home for reinforcements. This was going to be a tricky job.

With the aid of the DREAMTIME-SNAKE, the WANDJINA descended and spent their DREAMTIME creating, teaching and being God-like to the natives. These Gods from the Milky Way were so powerful that they didn’t need to speak. So they didn’t bother to have mouths.

They were definite good guys, and are still worshipped and respected Top Gods to this day. (And how many deities can still say that?) Eye-witness reports are thin on the ground, but many ancient cave paintings still exist and show eerie creatures with large heads, huge black eyes and suspiciously spacesuit-like garments. In fact, they look just like Grey aliens from modern U.F.O. abduction scenarios.

Strangely enough, in 1838, a sea captain discovered an amazing treasure trove of Aboriginal artistry, filled with primitive and powerful WANDJINA cave pictures.

His name was Captain Grey. Coincidence??? We can’t tell you because the Kimberley tribes are very close-mouthed, just like their WANDJINA.

Wandjina- My Aboriginal Australian Connection

In the last few years I have learned that I have Aboriginal Australian descent, through my grandfather. He was Australian born in 1910 and was likely one of the stolen generation children. He used to tell me stories when I was a small child, such as the dreamtime story ‘how the kangaroo got its pouch.’

Whilst researching Aboriginal Australian beliefs I have found some remarkable information that sheds new light on the origins of my guide Zenchi. I now know that he is a Wandjina, a sky-god, who has come down from the Milky Way to teach mankind. The Worrorra, Wunambal, and Ngarinyin people of the north-western and central Kimberley region say that the Wandjina are the creator beings of the Dreaming, and that they made their world and all that it contains. They are found in many rock art sites in caves and rock shelters throughout the Kimberley region.

There are so many striking similarities between Zenchi and the Wandjina, coupled with my strong draw to Aboriginal Australian culture, that I am in no doubt of his origins. This leads to the realization that higher beings have been with mankind for millennia and are not a new appearance.

