The Story of The Priestess of Gaia
A woman approaches a blue extraterrestrial craft. She is a priestess of
the Tribe of the Phoenix and is about to meet an etheric being from across the
galaxy. This being is one of her spirit guides and brings much love and wisdom
to the new Earth.
Over the years she has developed her subtle senses enough to perceive
this craft and the being inside. These beings have been with humanity since its
genesis and have always watched over us. In dense times, such as we are
currently living, such craft are only seen as brief glimpses by those
momentarily sensitive to subtle energies. They are discounted by scientists and
are regarded as a fringe phenomenon. They are described as UFOs, flying
saucers, balls of light, fairies, spirits and ghosts. They exist on a level of
reality that few can experience during our current order, but all will
experience after the elevation of consciousness.
In the time of the priestess, people will be able to see these subtle
phenomena as easily as we see physical structures. They will interact on a
level of love at a day to day level with these beings. Some will develop their
senses enough to board the craft and be taken on magnificent journeys across
the universe. They will be able to elevate their cellular and thought vibrations
to such a level as to become transparent to people of our current time, as if
ghosts. They will then see these beings and craft as solid and interact with
them accordingly. They will use their minds to control the craft and travel in
time and space in the subtle dimensions. They may be visiting us here even now,
but only a few will have the subtle sight to see them. Most will perceive only
a flicker or a hint of colour out of the corners of their eyes, or perhaps the
feeling of a slight breath, or the gentlest of touches. Such beings are
regarded as angels in our time, but are really just our descendants. Some
people alive today may be able to exist at this level.
The woman is naked, and this is a key to her subtle existence. She is in
harmony with nature and connects fully to the natural forces. Clothing binds us
to a dense existence, it blocks our subtle energy bodies and it places a
barrier between us and the world, and each other. We live in dense times,
obsessed with time and rules and desensitisation. We eat heavy food, listen to
loud music, are bombarded by images and bright colours, and at the same time
are insulated from feeling the sun on our skin or the moss beneath our feet.
She is naked to be in total union with her surroundings. She is an advanced
being of great intelligence and wisdom. Her tribal living is not retrograde,
but the height of subtlety.
Technology for our priestess is based on thought and direct
manifestation. She lives a life of simple pleasures and as such is extremely
sensitive. She can sense the pain of a daisy being picked, she can feel every
blade of grass beneath her feet, every droplet of dew on her skin. For her to
be clothed would be for us to wear full body armour. Everything in her world
would seem like soap bubbles to us, but are actually more resilient than the
strongest of our buildings.
This meeting is one met with joy. Under a blanket of stars she greets
her guide and friend. After a brief meditation calling down the subtle powers
of the nebulae and galaxies, she is ready to board the blue craft. As she does
so she feels a rush of air and a sense of peace. Being in the craft is like
being in a bubble bath or luxuriating on soft silk sheets. Taking her time to
meditate with the crystalline energies, she holds the key to her third eye. The
craft responds by gently lifting-off, like a feather on the breeze. It rises
into space and she looks down upon Gaia, her home. The sunlight shines through
the craft, it is like being in a giant bubble. Her energies are too subtle to
be harmed by radiation or solar winds, but she does feel the gentle caress of
the particle stream.
The craft moves swiftly on, past the Moon and deep into space. The
energies rise in vibration until the craft seems to disappear totally. It has
entered a higher state, that of the etheric realm. Together with her guide, she
pilots the craft through a sea of energy. Travelling across time and space
until she reaches the shores of a beautiful planet. This planet is in orbit
around a giant blue sun.
She lands the craft on a beach and slowly it crystallises into more
solid form. Together they leave the craft and use energy techniques to ground
themselves and to solidify their forms. This is not astral travel, but the next
level beyond. It is travel in mind, body and spirit. She is totally present and
her physical body can solidify as much as ours can
She walks along the sandy beach and reaches a settlement. There she
meets others like herself, physical beings. They take many forms and are from
across the galaxy. This is the galactic council and she is the Gaia
representative. This may sound fantastical, but it has been done before. In
Lemurian times beings travelled from the Pleiades to Earth in such a fashion.
By Atlantean times they had begun to lose this ability and by our time it seems
like pure fantasy. But these abilities are becoming manifest. There has always
been a few who could do this. The difference is that in the time of our
priestess, everybody can.
The council meets to help steer
Earth towards the ascension of consciousness. They are meeting in the future,
but their decisions will affect us now. We will only know their guidance
through meditation and we think of them as angels or guides. The council will
meet and act as evidenced by their presence now. The time is right for humanity
to ascend. We are about to enter a new
era and our consciousness is going to take a quantum leap forward.
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